Why is a good education important?

Education is truly the most powerful weapon in human armoury.
Education is about relationship. A good relationship is one that enables students to think and evaluate. A bad education is one based on ‘facts’ and indoctrination.
Every child should receive a good education that stimulates their minds and enables them to soar.

6 thoughts on “Why is a good education important?

    1. And the wave of fundamentalism. It is the way to equality and tolerance. The pen is mightier than the sword. I wish all the money spent on bombs could be spent on educating children. It would be a lot better world.

      1. Not too sure exactly what you mean by saying we shouldn’t have “fact” based education.
        The English language is governed by factual rules (OK, so you didn’t master them!, but they are fundamentally important)
        Same goes for Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry.

        I can only assume you were really referring to the basis upon which subjects are taught.
        That’s where the skill of an individual teacher comes into play. Some are crap, some are excellent. I had both.
        Firstly, we need to teach teachers how to teach properly and from there the curriculum should really look after itself.

      2. Spot on Andrew. it is getting the balanced. By teaching in a skill based, investigative, experimental, exploratory manner one gets active learning. Facts and knowledge are very important but so are skills and qualities. Active learning creates understanding, lateral thinking and creativity. It is getting the balance right that is important. A good teach will deploy a variety of techniques to cater for different learning styles. Much work has been done in these fields in recent years. Teaching has gone forward leaps and bounds. I used to see lessons that left me in awe. I could not imagine how I could have delivered them.

  1. Good Education Can Change the whole world. Education is most important weapon to face the competitive world.

    Chandru , Edubilla – Global Education Information Portal

    1. You are so right – it opens minds, brings people together and counters intolerance. Nothing is more mighty.

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